10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers December 2-8, 2017, and includes articles about a new AI-powered genetic analysis tool and Japan’s first self-driving taxis. 1. Tracking Thailand’s...
View ArticleVisualizing the American Community Survey
The U.S. Census Bureau has created an interactive data visualization illustrating the results from its American Community Survey on a county-by-county level using data collected between 2012 and 2016....
View ArticleSharing Data on the Molecular Structure of the Human Genome
Researchers at Iowa State University have created a publicly accessible database detailing the molecular structures of ribonucleic acids (RNAs) encoded in the human genome. Unlike DNA, RNA can fold...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers December 9-15, 2017, and includes articles about how NASA found a new planet with the help of AI and a pill that can monitor opioid usage. 1. Giving...
View ArticleVisualizing Life in Rohingya Muslim Refugee Camps
Reuters has created a series of data visualizations illustrating the poor living conditions in the Kutupalong refugee camp near the southern tip of Bangladesh, home to nearly 600,000 Rohingya Muslims...
View ArticleMeasuring the Power and Agency of Movie Characters
Computer science researchers at the University of Washington analyzed 700 modern movie screenplays using natural language processing and published a dataset of their findings about the power and agency...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers December 16, 2017 – January 5, 2018, and includes articles about a system of sensors that can make travelling across ice safer and an app that allows...
View ArticleVisualizing the Uneven Distribution of Gun Violence in the United States
The Guardian has created a series of data visualizations illustrating the uneven distribution of gun violence in the United States, highlighting that cities with high levels of racial segregation and...
View ArticleTeaching AI the Sense of Touch
AI researcher Jason Toy has published a database called SenseNet consisting of 3D models of objects and tactile simulators designed to help researchers train AI systems to respond to tactile feedback....
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers January 6 – 12, 2018, and includes articles about a database of rhino DNA that can help fight illegal poaching and an autonomous weed-killing robot. 1....
View ArticleVisualizing U.S. Tax Reform’s Impact on Overseas Money
The Wall Street Journal has created a series of data visualizations illustrating the impact the one-time “repatriation” tax included in the United State’s new tax law will impact U.S. companies that...
View ArticleBuilding Artificial Intelligence for the Australian Open
Tennis Australia, which hosts the annual Australian Open, has launched a hackathon offering $8,500 to participants that develop the best algorithm for automating match scoring. The competition, called...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers January 13-19, 2018, and includes articles about how Slack is using AI to make work messages less annoying and an AI system that can make bespoke...
View ArticleVisualizing the Second Hottest Year on Record
The New York Times has created a data visualization charting the temperatures in 3,800 cities for every day in 2017 and comparing the temperatures to the normal temperature range and historical highs...
View ArticleDetecting Nuclei for the Super Bowl of Data Science
Booz Allen Hamilton and data science community website Kaggle have launched the fourth annual Data Science Bowl, challenging participants to develop algorithms capable of automating nucleus detection...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers January 20-26, 2018, and includes articles about how Singapore’s plan to train more data scientists and a machine elarning system that can help refugees...
View ArticleVisualizing the Impact of Segregated School Districts
Vox has created a series of data visualizations illustrating how the United States draws attendance zones for public schools has contributed to high levels of segregation in school districts. The...
View ArticleTraining AI to Analyze Esports
Data scientist Farzain Majeed has published an algorithm called DeepLeague, and a training dataset, capable of watching footage of the video game League of Legends and tracking player movements,...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers January 27 – February 2, 2018, and includes articles about an AI system that developed a hit show in China and the largest genetic study ever. 1. AI Can...
View ArticleUnderstanding Travel Times with Uber Data
Uber has made anonymized trip data generated from over 2 billion trips in nine urban areas freely available for bulk download to help researchers, urban planners, and policymakers better understand...
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