The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect
In his new book, The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect, computer scientist and statistician Judea Pearl argues that AI will need to understand the how and why of relationships to reach...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers June 2-9, 2018, and includes articles about the world’s new fastest supercomputer and an initiative to track plastic in the ocean. 1. The United States...
View ArticleImproving Autonomous Driving Technology
The University of California, Berkeley has released a dataset of over 100,000 video sequences from more than 50,000 car rides to help improve autonomous driving technology. The video sequences are 40...
View ArticleMapping Homicides and Arrest Rates in the United States
The Washington Post has created a series of data visualizations showing that homicides with white victims are more likely to lead to an arrest than homicides with minority victims. For example, charts...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers June 10-16, 2018, and includes articles about IBM’s new chip that could make AI more efficient and a seizure-detecting wearable that could help people...
View ArticleTeaching AI to Know When it is Stumped
Researchers from Stanford University have released the second edition of the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) to help AI, such as Siri, learn when it lacks enough information to answer a...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers June 17-22, 2018, and includes articles about IBM’s new AI system that can debate humans and a robot that can help firefighters navigate through smoke....
View ArticleVisualizing Data Without Coding
MIT Media Lab, an interdisciplinary research laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has published a free data visualization and exploration tool called DIVE that allows users to...
View ArticleDeveloping Algorithms to Identify People in Videos
Chinese online video platform company iQIYI has published a dataset of over half a million videos of 5,000 celebrities to foster the development of biometric recognition algorithms. iQIYI released the...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers June 123-29, 2018, and includes articles about an AI system that can beat human teams in Dota 2, and autonomous robots probing underwater volcanoes. 1....
View ArticleVisualizing World Cup Matches
A World Cup in Charts, a website created by digital artist Michael Aschauer, has created a series of visualizations for each country playing in the World Cup. The visualizations include network graphs...
View ArticleVisualizing Big Data to Create Better Algorithms
Google has published an open-source data visualization tool called Facets that allows users to visualize large datasets in order to create better machine learning systems. With Facets, users can see...
View ArticleApplying Machine Learning Algorithms to Map-Making
GPS service provider Telanav has released a dataset of over 50,000 street-level images of common road signs to foster the development of machine learning algorithms for map-making. The images are...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers June 30 – July 6, 2018, and includes articles about home security systems using AI and an effort to sequence the koala genome. 1. AI Keeps Beating Humans...
View ArticleVisualizing the Growth of Coal Seam Gas Production in Australia
The Guardian has created several data visualizations mapping the location and growth of production in Australia of coal seam gas, a natural gas trapped in seams underground which sometimes requires...
View ArticleBuilding a Virtual Tour Guide
Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) group has published a dataset to support a project called Talk the Walk, which aims to train AI systems to serve as virtual tour guides. The dataset...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers July 7-13, 2018, and includes articles about a machine learning system that can generate molecules that could be use for drugs and an analytics system...
View ArticleVisualizing the Digital Divide in Great Britain
The Financial Times has created a series of data visualizations illustrating the digital divide between the suburbs and inner cities in Great Britain. Maps show that while internet speed is typically...
View Article10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist
This week’s list of data news highlights covers July 14-20, 2018, and includes articles about a company using AI to dicver new drugs and a software toolkit for programming quantum computers. 1....
View ArticleCreating Images from Text
Researchers from Elemental AI, a company that creates business applications using artificial intelligence, have published a dataset to foster the development of generative models that can produce...
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