Channel: Blog – Center for Data Innovation
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Tracking the Height of Glaciers

NASA has released a dataset that includes more than a trillion precise measurements of the Earth’s height at various locations, including the height of glaciers and the height of the canopy of forests....

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10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist

This week’s list of data news highlights covers June 1-7, 2019, and includes articles about an AI system detecting bladder cancer and a system that uses facial analysis to detect rare diseases. 1. The...

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Building a Dataset of Islamicate Texts

Researchers from Knowledge, Information, and The Arabic Book (KITAB), a project to create digital tools to analyze Arabic writing, have released a dataset of more than 4,000 Arabic texts to help...

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Visualizing the UK’s Changing Electricity Supply

Climate news publication Carbon Brief has created a series of data visualizations showing how the UK reduced the amount of carbon dioxide its electrical system added to the atmosphere by nearly 60...

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10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist

This week’s list of data news highlights covers June 8-14, 2019, and includes articles about an AI system that can predict if a person will develop psychosis and an AI system that can make humans in...

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Visualizing Housing Options in U.S. Cities

The New York Times has created a series of data visualizations illustrating how the zoning policies of many U.S. cities make it difficult for low-income families to afford housing. Many cities zone...

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Tracking Floods in the United States

The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has released a dataset of more than 50 million policy transactions and 2.4 million damage claims from the National Flood Insurance Program between...

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10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist

This week’s list of data news highlights covers June 15-21, 2019, and includes articles about an AI system that can predict a person’s gestures and AI system that can detect deepfakes. 1. Releasing an...

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Visualizing the Commercialization of Space

The Wall Street Journal has published a series of data visualizations demonstrating the commercialization of outer space. The visualizations show that 2,000 satellites orbit the Earth and that firms...

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Teaching AI to Understand Traffic Signs

Swedish startup Mapillary has released a dataset of 100,000 images of traffic signs to foster the development of AI systems that can understand them. The dataset includes signs from North and South...

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10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist

This week’s list of data news highlights covers June 22-28, 2019, and includes articles about an AI system that can predict if stars are likely to have orbiting planets and a tool that can instantly...

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Understanding Timing in Videos

Google has published the YouTube-8M Segments dataset, a collection of 237,000 five-second video segments annotated with time-localized labels to help train AI systems to predict video content. Google...

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Visualizing the Pollution of the Mississippi River

The Wall Street Journal has published a series of data visualizations showing that heavy rainfalls are flushing an increasing amount of nitrates from farms into the Mississippi River, thus...

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10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist

This week’s list of data news highlights covers June 29-July 5, 2019, and includes articles about an AI system that created a flu vaccine and an AI system that can predict drug approvals. 1. Teaching...

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Visualizing Machine Learning Models

Microsoft has developed a data visualization tool called TensorWatch to help researchers visualize and debug machine learning models. The increasing complexity and size of machine learning models and...

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10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist

This week’s list of data news highlights covers July 6-July 12, 2019, and includes articles about an AI system landing a plane and an AI system that can detect weapons in real-time. 1. Autonomously...

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Teaching Autonomous Vehicles to Understand the World Around Them

Argo AI, an autonomous vehicle company, has released two high-definition maps and a dataset that contains information about the trajectories of 300,000 vehicles driving through Pittsburgh and Miami to...

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Tracking the Evolution of UN Security Council Debates

Researchers from multiple European universities have released a dataset of 65,000 speeches from UN Security Council meetings taking place between 1995-2017. The researchers extracted the dataset from...

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10 Bits: the Data News Hotlist

This week’s list of data news highlights covers July 13-July 19, 2019, and includes articles about AI systems predicting conflicts and detecting child abuse. 1. Teaching a Language with AI and VR IBM...

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Visualizing the Number of Pain Killers Sold in Each U.S. County

The Washington Post has created a series of data visualizations showing the number of oxycodone and hydrocodone pills sold in each United States county between 2006 and 2012. The data, which the Post...

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